Secrets Tommy Boy HD

Secrets Tommy Boy HD

Secrets Tommy Boy HD

Keep the upper part of your body straight. Stepping toward tommy will lead him to stop his forward progress. You may use either arm to indicate Tommy.

two. After walking several steps, say “Down” and continue walking to the end of the leash.

3. Turn to face Tommy, praise, count to five, and release backward. When you release him, remember that you’re teaching him to come quickly to you after you have dropped him.

3. As he comes to you, take a step toward him on your right foot, keeping the left foot prepared and simultaneously signal by bringing your right arm straight up, and say “Down.”

4. After he has dropped, bring your right foot back, lower your arm, praise, count to five, and release.

Get tommy to reply to the “Down” command while he is in motion. Tommy has to learn to reply promptly to the “Down” command even if he’s moving.

1. Leave him in a Sit-Stay position and go to the end of the leash – facing him.

four. If he doesn’t drop, slowly slide your left hand down the leash to the snap and check straight down.

Sequence four’s goal is to get tommy to obey the “Down” command while he’s moving fast – and while you continue moving.

If you aren’t careful about the timing of the command, tommy may confuse the “Down” command with the Automatic Sit.

The news of Sam’s death brings a change to Tommy, and he tries to make up the gap of a father figure Sam’s daughters Maggie and Isabelle, played by Taylor Geare and the wonderfully talented Bailee Madison (Phoebe in Wonderland), when tommy first came to the house before Sam was deployed to Afghanistan, Isabelle opens the door and tells him that their mother doesn’t like him (which she can overhear, and gently scolds her not to say such things, but to be fair tommy takes it in his stride), but after a while the two girls cannot get enough of their uncle, as he does all the things they like, ice